Dettol Clothing Disinfectant is suitable for clothing disinfection. It effectively kills 99.9% of germs, removes musty and sweat, and does not damage clothing fibers. After dermatological tests, inner and outer underwear, adult and children’s clothing can be washed together.
usage Soak: Add 1 bottle cap to 2.5 liters of water mixed with laundry detergent or powder, soak the clothes for 15 minutes to sterilize, and wash the clothes in a washing machine or hand.
Machine wash-top lift type: Add 2 bottle caps and laundry detergent to water at the same time.
Machine wash-front mounted: Add 2 bottle caps and laundry detergent into the laundry chamber at the same time.
According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) recommendation, babies should be breastfed exclusively in the first six months and continue to have breastmilk together with solid food in their diet until two years old or above. Breastmilk is the best natural food for your baby. Before deciding to supplement or replace breastfeeding with infant and toddler formula product, please seek the advice of a health professional and follow all preparation instructions carefully. Source: Department of Health website