If you're having a difficult time removing stains from your clothes, Vanish Pre-Wash Stain Remover can help. To take immediate action against stains, use Vanish Pre-Wash Stain Remover to pre-treat the stain directly. It's a powerful formula which penetrates deep into the fibres to break down even the toughest stains like the grime and grease you get on collars and cuffs. It is suitable for both coloured and white clothes.
According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) recommendation, babies should be breastfed exclusively in the first six months and continue to have breastmilk together with solid food in their diet until two years old or above. Breastmilk is the best natural food for your baby. Before deciding to supplement or replace breastfeeding with infant and toddler formula product, please seek the advice of a health professional and follow all preparation instructions carefully. Source: Department of Health website